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BeagleBoard/ARM Documentation and References

BeagleBoard Software

Related Software and Notes


Config Tips

  • Formatting the SD card under Linux and TI's version
  • How do you set the video mode to 1280x1024?
    • At u-boot command prompt: setenv dvimode 1280x1024MR-24@60
    • The recommended way is to put that in a boot.scr to avoid overwriting the default env.
  • How do I boot from SD-Card?
    • In u-boot, try something like this:
    console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext3 rootwait vram=12M omapdss.def_disp=lcd omapfb.mode=lcd:800x480 omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768MR-24@60
  • How do I configure the display on the TV/DVI/etc.?
  • Does the mainline Linux kernel support the BeagleBoard?
    • According to Robert Nelson:
    The 2.6.35-rc mainline has all the basic support the average person would require. It's when you start requiring dsp (well dspbridge is in staging for 2.6.36), sgx, or zippy support you'll need external patches. Also the 2.6.32 in angstrom is well tested and patched beyond the original 2.6.32 for good TI support.
  • Andrew Burgess suggested using softfp when compiling applications on BeagleBoard. He says it may provide faster applications than neon. Here is the makefile and source code:
softfp test code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

typedef double msec_t;

msec_t time_msec(void) {
        struct timeval now_tv;
        gettimeofday(&now_tv, NULL);
        return (msec_t)now_tv.tv_sec * (msec_t)1000 + now_tv.tv_usec / (msec_t)1000;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        if(argc != 4) exit(1);
        double f1 = atof(argv[1]);
        double f2 = atof(argv[2]);
        double ans = 1.0;
        msec_t start = time_msec();
        long iterations = atoi(argv[3]) * 1000 * 1000;
        for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++) {
          ans *= f1;
          ans /= f2;
          //if(i < 10)
            //printf("%d ans = %f\n", i, ans);
        msec_t end = time_msec();
        printf("ans = %f %d loop/msec\n", ans, (int)(iterations/(end - start)));
        return 0;

Boot tips

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Page last modified on June 04, 2013, at 04:29 PM